Medicinal Forest

 Garden Trust



Promoting sustainable cultivation with medicinal trees and shrubs

Violet willow

Amazing medicinal trees and shrubs

Many traditional uses of plants in herbal medicine are based on longstanding experience. Modern research studies often bear out observations of benefits in the past, showing how plant constituents can be harvested to promote health and alleviate common complaints. Find out more about medicinal trees …

Forest garden layers

Medicinal forest gardening online courses

Learn about the healing properties of trees with our online course. Or find out how to design a medicinal forest garden using permaculture principles. Or discover guidelines and recipes from our online course in harvesting and making herbal preparations.  Find out more on our Thinkific course site…

Bee on oregon grape

About us

Our focus is on encouraging the sustainable cultivation of medicinal trees and shrubs. We aim to provide information, advice and training to help you decide on the most suitable plants for your growing project, whether a garden, smallholding, farm or woodland development. More about us….

Hawthorn flowers

Support the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust!

A key focus for the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust is to encourage more sustainable cultivation and harvest of herbal medicines. Every contribution or purchase helps to support the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust. Find out how you can also get involved.


Cramp bark berries

Check out Anne's Newsletter on Medicinal Forest Gardening

You can subscribe for free to the Medicinal Tree Woman newsletter by Anne Stobart with posts all about medicinal forest gardening and more. Anne includes trees and shrubs, places to visit, recipes, advice and other information for anyone interested in growing and using herbal medicine. Sign up here …



Get the Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook

The Medicinal Forest Garden Handbook is an authoritative and well-referenced text. It contains sections on permaculture design, establishment, propagation, harvest and making herbal remedies. A detailed directory of 40 medicinal trees and shrubs is included, along with discussion of commercial possibilities. More details of the book…

Online courses available at our Thinkific site!

Beautifully illustrated book

'Trees and Shrubs That Heal: Reconnecting With the Medicinal Forest'

Learn about the abundant and sustainable sources of healing available from trees and shrubs and how they can be safely used within a range of settings, from gardens and food forests to woodlands and permaculture projects. Includes profiles of 80 trees and shrubs suited to temperate climates with recommendations on their uses. Ideal for foragers, gardeners and growers, walkers and wilderness lovers, agroforesters and forest schoolers, and anyone interested in herbal medicine.

Order now

Sign up for the Medicinal Tree Woman newsletter

A large part of the world supply of medicinal plants is still based on wild harvesting. As habitats are disrupted by change of use to agriculture or environmental disasters, plants are becoming rarer or even disappearing. We can help ourselves by growing more medicinal plants sustainably.

Anne Stobart writes as "Medicinal Tree Woman' about medicinal forest gardening.

To keep in touch, sign up for Anne's newsletter.

Donate to the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust

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