Support Us 

Become a Volunteer

We are keen to locate examples of projects demonstrating sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants, including trees and shrubs. And we would like to develop a band of advisers and volunteers to help others develop their medicinal growing projects. Get in touch if you have relevant interest and/or experience and would like to discuss taking this forward. We will try to match you up with projects local to your area! Let us know too if you are part of a project looking for volunteers.


Share Your Research

Through our newsletter and publications we aim to share research findings and resources which can help the development of medicinal forest gardens and sustainable herbal medicine. If you are active in research in agricultural, botanical or horticultural fields with relevant information to pass on, we would like to share the details. Do get in touch if you would be interested in passing on information.


Forest garden flag stones

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Woman with hat and basket harvests witch hazel

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Media Enquiries

We welcome interest from you if you are involved in the media and keen to promote the spread of factual information about past and present uses of medicinal trees and shrubs. You can hear an example about Willow in the programme made by BBC Radio 4 on Natural Histories.

Radio interview

BBC Natural Histories on Willow

You can hear Anne Stobart contributing to the BBC Natural Histories programme aired 17 July 2018 (about 17 minutes in).


You can support the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust by making a purchase. All profits go towards our work in encouraging sustainable cultivation and harvest of medicinal trees and shrubs. You can donate £5/ £15/ £50 here. Do get in touch if you are able to offer a larger donation at

Tree info sheets

Donate to the Medicinal Forest Garden Trust

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